Sunday, May 31, 2009


Mr. C, since the moment you came in the very first class of Reading I knew I was going to like you, your patience, your way to teach, your activities and of course your good taste for tv shows. Honestly and I'm not being an ass-kisser, the best subjects for the best teeacher. I loved Reading, and first in 2nd semester, I thought Writing was gonna be very boring, but your way to teach the class, made me realize that I was a good writer. I will never forget the movies that you chose for us to watch, Misery was the best in my opinion, I was so scared that I was all over Ariana. I also liked when you came to our table and then Geovanna started to ask very inapropiate questions... We all get to know you very well.

Although I didn't like the blogs at the beggining, but then I think that they in some way developed my creativity, and allowed me to express what I couln't express in person, like this farewell. I will never forget our talks about Survivor, The Amazing Race, Top Chef, Grey's Anatomy and others. I don't know about you but I'm so excited for fall to beggin and I guess you are too. I want to know if Izzie or George are gonna survive, and I'm waiting for Survivor Samoa too. You are unique teacher, and also you are and always going to be one of my favorites teachers that I had the pleasure to be with. Fingers crossed for you to teach us in third semester, and I'm truly thankful for all, see you later Mr. C =)

Friday, May 29, 2009

Angelina Jolie

Teacher, it is only 3 min long approximately maybe it says 6 min but because of the song.

Thank you for everything Mr. C =)

Well, this is the final goodbye and i am very satisfy for the type of classes that i had with you and i am proud of having you as a teacher. You always made us feel confident about asking questions and expressing our points of view. I liked a lot the method of using the blog becuse it lets you use our imagination in every homework you assigned us.

It was not hard using the blog, only at he first time beacuse we were not use to that type of pages but as soon as we learned how to use it was very fun and entertaining. Thank you for all your experiences teacher and teaching us with a different method than other teachers, i hope you give us class other semester.

Amanda Bynes


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thank you for everithing!

Teacher you are the best, you teach us but at the same time we have fun, i like very much your clases. You know a lot of everithing & thats great.I liked this course, I learn so many different things. Thank you for being a great teacher, and a good friend. I hope you could be our professor again =)